Friday, July 15, 2011

Mobile Devices Display Generic ASPDNSF Store Instead of the Actual Website

Version: ASPDotNetStorefront 9.x

When browsing the site with a mobile or table device the default generic mobile skin is being displayed.

To disable the mobile skin and display the standard website skin, delete all rows in the MobileDevice table.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Magento: Change Base URL via Database

Version: Magento 1.x

Changing the base url in Magento admin (System –> Configuration –> Web –> Base URL) causes an error and the front-end and back-end no longer display.

In table, core_config_data update rows:
web/unsecure/base_url = your new domain
web/secure/base_url = your new domain

Clear cache by deleting all files in the folder: /var/cache/