Magento Enterprise version
The Magento rich text editor tinymce removes style, script, and html5 tags when CMS pages, static block etc. are saved.
Warning – requires a source code change and is NOT upgrade friendly.
- Edit file \js\mage\adminhtml\wysiwyg\tiny_mce\setup.js
- Find the section starting with: var settings = {
- Add a new parameter e.g. paste the following code (to allow style, script, html5 tags) after the line: theme_advanced_resizing : true,
extended_valid_elements : 'style,script,section,article,aside',
Note that the tinymce version number can be found in this file: \js\tiny_mce\tiny_mce_src.js
Magento Community version
The Magento rich text editor tinymce removes style tags when CMS pages, static block etc. are saved.
Warning – requires a source code change and is NOT upgrade friendly.
- Edit file \js\mage\adminhtml\wysiwyg\tiny_mce\setup.js
- Find the section starting with: var settings = {
- Add a new parameter e.g. paste the following code (to allow style tags) after the line: theme_advanced_resizing : true,
valid_children : '+body[style]',
And to allow both style and script tags:
valid_children : '+body[style|script]',
Note that the tinymce version number can be found in this file: \js\tiny_mce\tiny_mce_src.js